Natasha Mendonca
Jan Villa is a memoir that innovates by synthesizing experimental, narrative and documentary genres. The film explores the unmapped territory of sexual abuse; lesbian identity in suburban Bombay and the destruction of the artist’s family home in the tragic floods of 2005. The film investigates the personal within the realm of the city. The city is allegorical. It juxtaposes the decay of the populous, unplanned city with a non-existent drainage system and the disintegration of a dysfunctional family.
Ellen Lake
Call + Response is a series combining 16 mm home movies from the 1930s and 40s with cell phone and digital media today. Thinking about the rapid evolution in technology, how often something is lost to make way for something new, this project juxtaposes the past and present to investigate ideas about personal diary, collective memory, nostalgia, preservation, and the place where private and public experiences converge.