Kara Herold
Bachelorette, 34 is one woman’s examination of the ubiquitous belief that marriage equals happiness, laced with poignant irony as the mother yearns for her daughter’s comfort and security at all costs, and the daughter runs the risk of inadvertently falling off the course carved by tradition.
Vanessa Renwick
Portrait #2: Trojan is part of an ongoing series of filmed portraits of places, stories and histories of Cascadia with scores by musicians living in the Pacific Northwest. Trojan is a troubled-from-the-start nuclear power plant that is being decommisioned. BOOM!
Gretchen Hogue
See Photo is a multi-layered documentery film culled from amateur self-portraits from a forgotten magazine. In the surreal realm of the personal ad, women hide behind blurred focus and scribbled masks in an attempt to let their true identities still slip through in the quest for like-minded companions. A meditation on the complexities of identity and the desire for companionship.